Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Introductory Remarks

Hi! My name is May. Welcome to my blog. The following blogs will be in reference to my ED451 class, which is Audio Visual. This class' goal is to equip future educators with advanced technologies and progressive lesson plans that will help teach future classrooms with an incorporated technology lesson plan. Living in a fast pace generation where new technologies keep evolving in a rather fast speed, educators are handed great responsibilities. For now there's no excuses that a physically challenged student can't do what physically-able students can do because we have the technology and the resources to teach students equally. Every student can participate in any activity today. Therefore, this class helps direct future teachers into enlightenment on how to incorporate technology and special needs to today's lesson plan. The following blogs are reactions to the assessments that this class has engaged into.

1 comment:

Muted said...

Oooh, pretty layout!